Opening hours : Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -6 PM / Friday 8:30 AM -12:30 PM

Terpan Prevention & Endo Lab survey: Girls and sexuality in 2022

by Terpan Prévention Terpan Prévention in Prevention and health 03/05/2022

This survey, aimed at girls between the ages of 16 and 25, aims to gather their opinions on their sexuality in 2022.

Do girls have the “cards in their hands” in 2022?

That’s what Terpan Prevention and I have been working on with this survey.

Sexual orientation, pleasure, masturbation, prevention, harassment… do girls feel free today to assume their body and their sexuality or are there still taboo subjects?
in the bio of the account (I will add the link in our bio)

This survey should take about 5 minutes of your time. We will share the results of this survey with our community.

To answer it, click here or in the instagram bio of the account Le Lab de l’endo @lelabdelendo
