Opening hours : Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM -6 PM / Friday 8:30 AM -12:30 PM

The kit base : Reducing the Risk of Transmission of Drug-Related Infections

by Terpan Prévention in Prevention and awareness, Prevention and health, Terpan Prevention 03/11/2021

Drug users, especially crack users, are still too much despised by the population and the institutions: evacuated from the Jardins d’Eole last September, they are regularly regrouped in the North-East of Paris and chased away without any support or long-term solution.   Crack use has been growing rapidly in recent years, and users face multiple […]

When art meets prevention

by Terpan Prévention in Prevention and awareness 24/04/2017

Emma Crews builds a giant vagina out of female condoms As part of World Condom Day, Friday 16 September, members of the association “Les ami-e-s des femmes de la Libération” and the Terpan Prevention are mobilizing to raise awareness among the general public and young people about the risks of STIs and unwanted pregnancies in […]

Clitoris Party

by Terpan Prévention in Prevention and awareness 27/03/2017

When an artist, an association and a laboratory join forces to talk about a little-known organ Terpan, the French distributor of male and female condoms, has teamed up with the artist Emma Crews and the association Les Amies des Femmes de la Libération (LAFL) for a Clitoris Party on November 24 and 25 in Poitiers. […]

HIV: Promoting Testing

by Terpan Prévention in Interesting news, Prevention and awareness, Prevention and health 31/05/2016

The InVS (French national institute of health monitoring) provides an epidemiological update on the “discovery of HIV and AIDS seropositivity”. Diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS are subject to mandatory reporting by health professionals (biologists, public and private sector physicians). The InVS centralizes these declarations and updates them annually. This report not only informs us […]
